So far we have created websites even for the specialist agencies that have created more than 1500 websites for various clients. That says it all. We are not only experts in communication but also in media consumption behavior, consumers and brands. A website is your own medium like your brand’s own house where everyone can come and experience it right from how the brand interacts in the living room to how it acts in the bedroom. It is the Pinnacle of trust and experience that one can get from a website when compared with any other digital platform your brand will be placed at. Your home deserves better.
As far as creative campaigns go for the digital media, please don’t get blinded by the ROI game that digital media would have promised you. It is measurable, that is it. But are those numbers meaningful? There’s a way to look at those numbers and what all numbers should be looked upon needs to be decided about.
Digital media efficacy has been declining over the years. The simple trend that states it all is, a decade or more ago, digital space based themselves on cost per conversion model, and then later changed the pitch to cost per lead model, and then to cost per click to cost per thousand. Obviously these numbers can still be arrived at. The only thing is they will not have an acceptable face.
No we are not writing off Digital as a medium. It has power of its own and we will be foolish if we were to say that. The problem lies in communication or creative campaigns.
Nobody wants to spend the time and energy on understanding the numbers or behaviour across selected media options of a brand and create differently while being strategically right. The whole excitement is about onboarding the digital space without paying much attention on the message.
Crowdsourcing of ideas for inexpensive or free creativity has been one reason that has led to its poor yet unrecognisable performance. What’s more, all of us like to be a little lazy but want to be seen busy. Lazy on important things because then we will have to answer some uncomforting questions and busy on many things because then we can hide behind one number or the other. All this is leading to a disaster and the bigger problem is that this whole trance is so illusionary that we don’t even realize when we killed our cash. After all we also want to pay for a product with a price tag that media comes with. And not for the strategic creativity or the message itself.
If you have sorted your media plan and know what they can deliver, we will be happy to create and make a difference for you. We can also supervise your media strategy.
Sir John Hegarty notes, in digital marketing, there aren’t many big brand ideas, but instead a focus on “lots of one-offs”. That “at the heart of brands there is a thing called storytelling” but that there’s not sufficient focus on building a relationship between a brand and its audience.
It all depends upon how one builds its digital strategies and content. Digital is about storytelling and the trick is how you deploy your story and how it unfolds.
Hegarty’s point is that too many people have lost sight of this. This applies to two types of “digital Taliban” in particular:
1) People who say “everything is measurable”
This isn’t true of traditional communications and it’s not true of digital either. It’s always been really hard to know how something will make somebody feel, and that has only become harder with the complexity of digital.
2) People who measure what is in front of them just because they can
Digital is full of metrics that get tracked because they are easy to measure rather than being meaningful (click-through-rates, time-of-day analysis, page views). If you’re not sensitive to what produces a great piece of creative then you’re probably getting measured for wrong things.